Al-Hamra's mission is to seek the help of nature lovers in providing the world with these treasures that the human race hasn't been able to come across due to lack of technology, inappropriate communication and isolation. Our supply resources include 12 mines filled with different type of Onyx and Marble, which we use in our production. Al-Hamra Handicrafts has dedicated 12 pages in their catalogue in order to elaborate on the variations of shades and colors of these natural resources. This has been done so that you could appreciate the beauty of variation in color and shades. Furthermore, the catalogue has many pages dedicated for you to develop an understanding of the various sizes and their variation. For Example, we produce flower vases ranging from 5 x 5 x 5 cm (diameter x diameter x height) to 50 x 50 x 120 cm. Viewing all these variants on a single page would give you enough idea to acknowledge and appreciate the different in each variant of the flower vases, figurines, spheres, etc.
On a few pages in the catalogue, you can even view our product in velvet gift packing. Normally, our products are exported in Styrofoam or corrugated packing; however, in order to fill your demand, we also export our products in attractive velvet boxes as can seen in few pages.
Al-Hamra Handicraft is headed by Rao Iftikhar Ahmed. Now has been one of the leading Onyx/Marble Orientals exports in Pakistan. It has been exporting Onyx/marble Orientals since last 21 years and id regarded as one of the most important and renowned exporter firms in Pakistan.
We have a strength of approximately 200 skilled, devoted and dedicated employees who are working day and night to produce quality Onyx/Marble Orientals to be exported all over the world.
Al-Hamra Handicrafts not only produces quality items that are mentioned in the catalogue, but other quality items of your choices as well. We specialize in this field and make all sorts of different sizes, to be more precise "1 cm to 60 cm diameter and 150 cm height". Al-Hamra Handicraft can produce Onyx and Marble Orientals in all different color and shades. We also produce creative and other Orientals in different design and also design of your own choice. We offer a verity of color and designs to every potential customer according to his needs.
We hope that affer knowing so much about us, you will provide us an opportunity to prove our worth and come up to your expectations. We are looking forward a productive and a prosperous relationship with you.